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Skipper and friends naked daysail, friend on shore.
a night off th3 boat in Hawaii. pics of exposed naked friends

Skipper and friends naked daysail in the bay
a little fun on a naked daysail in the bay.

Skipper and friends naked daysail on the fordeck.
The boat next to us had fun watching our naked antics on deck taking pictures of us.

Skipper and friends naked daysail, some time on th3 beach
A little time off the boat on the beach

Skipper and friends on a daysail
Friends enjoying some time together on a naked daysail

Skipper friend in the tub
Skippers friend after naked daysail in the tub

Skippers friend, a night on shore off the boat.
After naked daysail, skippers friend on shore.

Nudist Naked on a boat
Please post my picture. Thanks

naked daysail
Skipper and friends on a naked daysail