The history of gay porn, from taboo to

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Fifty years ago gay pornography was illegal in several countries, as well as homosexuality in general. Fortunately, times have changed, and it has been a long process to transform a taboo to an accepted phenomenon, thanks to political and artistic movements. American artist Tom of Finland began his long journey of publishing erotic homosexual figures that challenged common morality and made him famous until his death in 1991 and even after. With more than 3500 illustrations, he contributed the art world's acceptance of male homosexual erotic imagery, and his name is written in stone in the history of world gay culture.
The history of gay porn, from taboo to porn blog

Once homosexual erotic nudity was cleared through customs, the road to the development of a true gay porn industry was definitely opened. In the 1980s the production finally came out of illegality, although the circulation of the new gay porn magazines remained a taboo subject, the market began to assume important proportions, and in the 1990s the video market also began to develop.

Thanks internet, gay porn is flying

Of course, the amount of supply, especially the reachability of content, increased tremendously with the advent of the Internet. We know how the Internet has changed a lot in our lives, but we do not realize how much it has affected the spread and growth of gay porn. Today the amount of gay porn sites probably exceeds 10 thousand, and there is no doubt that there is a growing demand for the product, both free and premium. Of course, it is possible to bring order in the face of this immense amount of content, which can often turn out to be of low quality, thanks to guide sites such as, one of the major benchmarks in terms of the reliability of gay porn site reviews.

The undergrowth of gay porn sites is indeed different from that of straight sites. Many blogs and many amateur sites maintain a genuineness of contents and a consequent quality despite less professionalism of site making. In short, there is an immense amount of homemade blogs that provide content that is of a high standard, often produced by actors who know how to express their porn qualities very well. A real passion that sometimes, in straight porn is lacking. This is perhaps one of the fortunes of being gay to be able to rely on video production done by real enthusiasts, great exhibitionists, tireless gay fuckers.

Follow a guide to find the best gay porn

For guidance on what's garbage and what's valuable, both when we're talking about free porn and when we want to buy quality paid gay porn, you can easily find the best gay porn sites on

By now we all know the countless niches where we can go to vent our little daily arousals, and bestgaysites knows them better than anyone, in fact it has identified and collected them very well in its gay porn list

Today being gay is normal, but finding decent gay porn sites is sometimes not so easy. It is good to pay attention to the sensibilities of users, who sometimes do not want our erotic desires to end up in sites of tasteless recruiters. User taste is important, and gay users' taste is often refined, which is why there is a need for review sites like this one. .

The history of gay porn, from taboo to porn blog

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