Most of us are well aware of only one aspect of sex that satisfies men’s needs, but practically does not take into account women’s needs.- Initially, there was little information in society about vaginas and female pleasure, so even women themselves are sometimes not sure how their bodies work, what they like in bed and how to have an orgasm during sex.
- Here are some proven tips on how to properly fuck a girl and give her pleasure.
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1. Do not hurry
To make your girlfriend like sex, create an environment in which she can relax and tune her brain to pleasure.
- Remove all distractions and put all your responsibilities aside, including work, phones, television, and any day to day activities. Find out in advance when she will have a completely free day or two, or the whole weekend.
- She should focus only on the pleasant moments and on herself.
- If she realizes that she will have time for rest and relaxation, then she will have the opportunity to feel happy even before sex.
- If you fuss, rush, be distracted by extraneous matters, then most likely she will not feel anything at all.
Your task is to create a calm space for her, in which she can hide from all problems.
2. Pay attention to her non-verbal signals
Unfortunately, many men do not know how to properly fuck a girl and understand her readiness for sex without words.
I often hear stories of men just not responding to signals and missing out on thousands of opportunities.
Learn to be empathetic, attentive, and you will have much more pleasure than before.
In addition to the words you hear from girls, pay attention to their bodily signals (sighs, rapid breathing, increased lubrication) and do not miss the opportunity to move from words to deeds.
- If you do not know how to recognize her signal, you can directly ask her about it, for example: “Are you good?” or “Do you like it?” or “Does it hurt?”
- It is possible that your girlfriend will be ashamed to confess something to you and she will be pleased if you ask her about it yourself.
- If you are not sure if your girlfriend is ready for a certain action or experiment, ask.
- In my opinion, talking about sex frankly is sexy.
3. The thill of excitement sex in public places
While some men don’t know how to fuck a girl properly and think sex is mostly about penetration, women are desperate for foreplay, fondling, excitement and exhibitionism.
If, after short mechanical sex, you turn away and snore, then the girl will feel used and abandoned.
- Girls want to experiment with new things.
- Warm her up when you are out, when there are other men, take a risk, awaken her imagination and mood for dirty fantasies.
- Sex for a woman is not just sex, it is a physical and emotional reflection of desire.
4. Give her the opportunity to use you
Of course, orgasm is very pleasant. But for some women, it is very difficult to achieve it.
- For them, an orgasm is impossible if there is no deeper connection and understanding between you.
- Before proceeding directly to warming up, make her feel you, get used to your warmth, to your touch, to your breath.
- If possible, invite her to a slow dance.
This does not obligate you to anything, but it will give her the opportunity to feel your body. Try to touch her body with continuous firm movements to get her aroused.
With an indifferent, not sympathetic lover, it is difficult to get any excitement.
Using gentle touches, you let her know that you know how to please the girl in bed.
5. Study her body
Explore the various erogenous zones on her body, including the neck, shoulders, scalp, ears, abdomen, inner thighs, inner arms, back, buttocks, and feet.
Try experimenting with speed or pressure.
Some girls may find a gentle, barely noticeable touch pleasant, while others may find it annoying.
Invite her to play “hot-cold” to better navigate her body and follow her prompts.
6. Explore special ero-spots
The woman wants you to probe her inside and out with your fingers. This can be a fun process for the two of you, for example, suggest to her, “Let’s see if I can find your G-spot.”
Remember to caress and kiss the often-overlooked erogenous zones, such as the inner thigh, ear, lower back.
7. Intimate conversation
Women want to feel needed and wanted.
It is important for them to know that you want them, that you find them sexy, exciting, and valuable. This can be expressed through intimate conversations, frank compliments, and even sexual abuse. This is all very individual, so it’s worth trying different options to see what exactly triggers the best response.
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