One of the most difficult things in the world is simply keeping the faith. It doesn’t matter what that faith is. It can be faith in your ability, it can be faith in your good looks, or it can be faith in your relationships. You can end up spending quite a lot of time working on all of those different things and not see immediate results. That makes you start to lose your confidence in it. If you’re not seeing the results, then why should you keep putting in the work? Here are some ways to make sure you keep your confidence in your dating life and relationships.
Find a site that works for you
The very first thing that you need to do is find a dating site that works for you. Not all of them are created equal in any sense of the term. Some will even work perfectly for other people, but not at all for you. You have to figure out what you’re looking for and imagine the best possible version of it. If you’re in the market for hookups, then a good and free Fuckbook will work the best. Get yourself set up there and then it will be time to start seeing results.
Show yourself off as much as possible
You can’t just keep yourself to yourself and expect the women to come running. That’s just not how it works at all. You have to put yourself out there and show off the goods. The women on a fuckbook are used to guys who just want to put in as little work as possible. You have to be the opposite of that. Put in the work and the amount of attention that you get will be your reward.
Be okay with starting off slow
Yes, it’s possible to get on a free fuckbook and find a hook up on the first night. But is that really what you’re looking for, though? Those one night stands are usually just that. You never see the other person again and you’re left wondering why. The best thing you can hope for is an ongoing sexual relationship and that takes going about things a whole different way. You have to be willing to work up to things. Get to know each other by sharing pics and sexting. It will help to foster a relationship that will be much more ongoing.
Work on several women at once
You never want to rely on just one person to become the one for you. You never know what’s going to happen. It can be devastating to your confidence when it doesn’t work out. That’s why you should always be working on a few different women at any given time. Give them your all and you’re practically guaranteed that one of them will work out. If you’re lucky, you’ll even have a few of them that work out for you. That’s the whole point of casual dating, after all. You can date as many women as you want.
Never stop the hustle
Even when you’ve got your hook ups, something can always happen to make it all stop. That’s why you always need to be working on the next girls. Always having someone in the wings will be the biggest boost to your dating confidence that you can have. It will be almost no time before you never have to worry about where your next casual date is coming from. All it takes is putting in the work to reap the results and the confidence.